
I have all sorts of data, access to all sorts of data, and am REALLY REALLY REALLY good at this UCC stuff. This time last year i was eating, sleeping, and breathing all things UCC's... Finding secured parties, correlating aliases to secured parties, discovering and uncovering patterns in "erroneous" filings, etc.

I've begun training a couple of ISO's on my methods, process, etc. If you're interested in learning on doing things yourself let me know but to you other guys if you're interested in UCC's let me know and I may be able to provide them for a decent price. Better quality...

Other than that I can:

  1. Sort and filter large data sets to extract what's most valuable.
  2. Secured party research; example if you want to know what industries are hyper active in taking non MCA Money, so you can offer them MCA money, I can provide those findings.
  3. Business owner and UCC cell phone ONLY data that way you can use stuff like SlyBroadcast direct to voicemail technology to drops. These work great on "hot" industries and on UCC's...
  4. Scrubbed, filtered, and tested e-mails. 9% bounce rate or less GUARANTEED.
  5. Miscelleneous help with all things data!

Feel free to send me a note!