This will be the first company in the world to offer a Marriage
Assurance policy. This unique product offers a combination of a unique wealth creation vehicle, monetary rewards for individuals who have a successful marriage and insurance protection against the financial devastation of divorce.
Rationale: What problem does this solve and why does this make sense? 49% of the 2.4 million weddings which take place in the United States each year will fail. – US Census historical data indicates that just less than half of the 2.4 million weddings which take place in the US each year will ultimately be dissolved via divorce within approximately 15 years.
When both spouses experienced parental divorce, the odds of [their] divorce nearly tripled. – Paul R. Amato, “Explaining the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce”, Journal of Marriage and the Family. Today we have the largest population in history of adults whose parents divorced during their childhood.
Divorce reduces the average person's wealth by 77%. - Jay Zagorsky, National Longitudinal Survey of Youth study findings, Journal of Sociology, Ohio State’s Center for Human Resource Research. Forty-four percent of women experience poverty following divorce. - Julia A. Heath and B. F. Kiker, “Determinants of Spells of Poverty Following Divorce” Review of Social Economy, 50. The percentage of married persons who will reach their 25th anniversary is 33%. - U.S. Census 2004 SIPP Report. Moreover, second and third marriages have a fewer than 1 out of 3 success rate. US Taxpayers foot an annual bill of over $112 BILLION Dollars in Federal, State and Local taxes to support fragmented families every year. - Scafidi, Benjamin, Principal Investigator. “The Taxpayer Costs of Divorce and Unwed Childbearing: First-ever Estimates for the Nation and All Fifty States” Institute for American Values, Center for Marriage and Families.
These are just samples of the numerous studies done on how divorce negatively impacts the traditional family’s financial well-being. Aside from providing a method that helps to create/preserve wealth that outpaces most currently available investment products, Marriage Assurance can potentially keep millions out of poverty long term and significantly reduce the burden of supporting divorced families by
the US taxpayer.

Market: Presently, aside from an annuity sold only in China, there is no insurance product available that financially rewards people for having a successful marriage. A by-product of the Marriage
Assurance policies is that they will also provide a financial safety net in the event of a divorce. Globally the annual cost of divorce is in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Insurance products designed to protect and preserve wealth (Universal Life, Annuities, Disability, LTC) generated over $4 trillion in
premium revenue for the top 300 insurance companies in the US in 2012. This is an untapped market estimated by Milliman USA at well over $162 billion annually worldwide. No other company in the world offers this much-needed form of insurance.

Capital Requirements and Financial Projections for Marriage Assurance: The company is now raising $1 million in equity financing in order to establish an authorized Life Insurance company domiciled in Delaware and execute the company’s marketing plan. Expected premium within the first 12-18 months is $2-6 million. Prior significant investments including legal and regulatory research, professional marketing and proprietary systems development, along with noteworthy protection against any loss of a significant portion of invested funds have positioned this to be an impressive opportunity. The company is based in Raleigh, NC and is currently offering forty (40) blocks of Preferred Shares totaling 40% equity

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