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We are emerging from "stealth" mode this week. We know that the only two things YOU and your prospective leads care about are:

  1. Getting new customers.
  2. Keeping the ones we already have.

Besides your family - when you go to work everyday, is there anything else you care about other than keeping your current customers and getting more of them?

Once we were able to distill this - we determined that we'd package MCA within the context of "getting more customers, and keeping the ones you have."

So that is what we are selling - customers on credit because not having to sell a 1.38 is great.

Our partners (resellers) will make an average 2.5x more than they will with normal MCA, with a lot less work. Our customers (business owners) will derive enormous value... I haven't seen a "cash advance success story" but expect these videos / success stories to roll and cause a domino effect.


p.s. My voiceover guy skipped a few words - we're working on that.