sean bash- well put. most do not read the iso agreements, and, just buy into what the business development manager or account manager tells them. what the iso or agent needs to know is, its the contract that ultimately tells the story when things go sour. sure it costs money to have an attorney read the fine print, but, if you plan on spending alot of your marketing dollars acquiring business and trying to build a portfolio for long term revenue, wouldn't a few hours today save you thousands of dollars of headaches tomorrow? Dont ever sign something you dont understand or read. Its that simple. Personnel comes and goes, and, you cant go on what somebody told you on the phone. read the schedule A, renewals, who owns the account policy, assignment clauses, etc, etc. maybe your red line request will get shot down, and, if you cant live with that, move on to the next company...its that simple. the companys who create these contracts spent their money and attorneys to protect them, shouldnt you do the same? If both parties meet in the middle, the business relationship will be much healthier long term.