Quote Originally Posted by sean bash View Post
I think what you will hear is that your merchants are much likely to receive better service from Integrity or BMS. I boarded a lot of accounts at both NAB and Integrity. Merchants were much happier with Integrity and the relationship with them is much more human. They get the MCA business inside and out.

NAB on the other hand owns two merchant cash advance companies. At least one will be advertised to your merchants in their statements. I know they are respectful of their ISO's deals but there are many in the industry that feel the conflict of interest is too great to risk. Do you board your account with a processor who is also clearly your competitor? The upfront bonus is nice. But long term, you never know what could happen.

Quote Originally Posted by J.Celifarco View Post
I use NAB and Integrity.. Both has their use.
NAB's free terminal placement is great. No questions asked if the account is approved they can get a free terminal. That alone makes them worth keeping as an option. The process of boarding accounts on the other hand is easier with integrity. They are a little more hands on and you have a specific point of contact person where with NAB it is a help desk and you never know who you are going to speak to. I think you make a little more money with NAB but if it is an account that is a little more difficult (POS systems, multiple terminals) then Integrity is the way to go.

-- Taking a quick minute to give a sincere thanks to you both for sharing your personal experiences - it is appreciated.