Quote Originally Posted by YuliyaG View Post
I agree with you there, that is why getting to that merchant first matters the most. Old UCCs are getting pounded left and right, but the most recently filed ones are not, because the data companies do not update daily and are always 30 days late.

Also, when ordering a UCC list, you will need to make sure that you capture all the new alias names used by a funder. Clearly, the most common alias names are hit the hardest. I have actually done my own study and research and discovered 1200 alias names used for just 97 funding companies.

It might help knowing funders most recent alias names when purchasing a list.
There are approximately 4 million businesses in the US that fit the box for MCA (revenue wise). UCC filings make up a sliver of that number, yet so many people swear by them as low-hanging fruit. They are sold at 20-50x the price of other data. To me, it's a rip, a sales pitch. Every business can use additional capital, and any owner who tells you different is lying to you to get you off the phone. Why keep calling the same merchants over and over, and paying a premium for data to do so?