Moneyformerchant…Your post makes me sound like I’m some guy selling leads out of my basement. When in fact I work for a large corporation with about 1800 employees.

The prices I present to potential customers do not come from me. They come from the corporate leaders high above me. Unfortunately we do not discount our UCC’s but who you see as our competition discounts theirs and or slashes their prices to try to take business away from us. Which is fine by me because that actually brings new business to me when the buyers of these reseller/data broker lists find out for themselves what they actually got for their money. But when it comes to business data/leads I have some room to negotiate with regards to price.

I never “hammer” competition. I actually do the opposite. If I think buying from a reseller or data broker is a better option for my customer I will point them in that direction. I have even given you the same advice on multiple occasions.

Sure I will jump into a thread (isn’t that what we do on an online forum) and offer my services or even offer an answer or solution to someone’s question or problem but what I ever post is never off topic for that tread.

These are not my services. These are services of my company. However if you are referring to my customer service well that is second to none.

There are quite a few of my customers on this forum. Do they post and tell you to buy from me? Not really ever, no. Why would anyone want to tell their competitor where or who they buy their data, leads and marking campaigns from?

Your post seems 100% about me and not my company. I see this post as you have some sort of personal issue with me. If that is the case give me a call and let’s talk about it. It’s a far better way to deal with the issue you have rather than try to put me on blast on a public forum…