I hate to ask if it's already been covered but I need not just a real direct lender but one who will actually APPROVE businesses and provide rates in the low to mid teens to clients who have 650+ FICO scores. I need a direct lender who is aggressive in terms of funding amounts, offers MONTHLY payments, and if a borrower has sur-700 scores, can provide something in either single digits or low teens as far as APR rates over 1-5 yrs.

Also, I need collateralized 2nd lien lenders who are aggressive with LTV, and who won't mind having to cross-collateralize to get the loan amounts met when there are multiple properties available.

Please reply or PM me. PLEASE don't reply if your business loan implies a daily ACH. Worse case scenario, a weekly ACH has to be your bottom line payment if you can't do monthly. Send me a holler. You can even email: solidmerchantsolutions@yahoo.com