Quote Originally Posted by sean bash View Post
So many people in this industry lurk on the site and don't post. I'm talking thousands of people. And just wait... the first issue of the print magazine is finally finally finally being dropped in the mail on tuesday. I had more than 4,000 copies printed. Everyone attending the NEAA next week in vermont should be getting one in their welcome bag and thousands more people will be getting them in the mail. Funders, ISOs, account reps, underwriters, processors, investment bankers, you name it.

And if you don't get a copy or subscribed too late to get this first one, we can deliver one to you after the fact or you can access the digital version which we will put online early next month. We'll then also begin our email awareness campaign to reach an even larger audience.

The first issue is 28 pages. The 2nd issue will come out in March and we're already starting to work on that.

If you're interested in learning more about everything, you can call Jayson Rush at DailyFunder at 212-704-8011 or email jayson@dailyfunder.com.
I should get a complimentary one! You have consumed a couple years' worth of subscripotions at our functions