Quote Originally Posted by HeatherF View Post
I can provide my outlook and take on credit scores. When a funder is taking from the split and getting funds before the merchant even has time to mismanage... credit score is not as great of a factor, but when you are set up on ACH repayment and trying to take funds out of a bank account then a business owners repayment history becomes a factor. A person has a low credit score for a variety of reason but the main underlying issue is the business owner does not respect or adhere to guidelines of a contract or obligation they have held themselves to. yes there are those that have circumstances outside of their control and that is why i feel it is important to look not just at the score but at the last time they had a delinquent flag put against them. If the business owner is on the mend and trying to fix his issues and has not had any delinquent flags against him/her in the last year the credit score could be overlooked.
Doesn't sound like this guy is looking for a $10,000 starter deal