Quote Originally Posted by CO1 View Post
My Company still forces every chance we get to get people to switch, we send out our application with a processing application, and the rates are sooooo much cheaper than everyone out there so its a lay-up.
To take this comment and support part of Chambo's case, CO1, what leads you to believe that the processor(s) you work with have "soooooo much cheaper" rates?

All processors basically have the same base rates (Interchange) and it's up to the super ISOs, ISOs, account reps to upsell a structure above and beyond those rates. You can literally do something like Interchange Plus or average out the few hundred rate categories into 3 or 4 simple tiers.

It's not really possible for one processor to be "sooo much cheaper" as Interchange is Interchange is Interchange.

Let me guess, you are focused on the Qual Rate or Debit Card Rate CO1...