There is a big benefit to this space ( merchants, brokers, and funders alike) to have a variety of deal sources. Whether the deal come from SEO, lead gen companies, Big ISO's, one man shops, processor to funder, and even funder to funder the main goal is to find the right product for the merchant. As a direct lender we have every type of partnership and all hold equal value to us. Our underwriters (btw every sales agent has direct contact with) while reviewing a deal will look at the agents submission history to his deal performance on the funded deals or how many came in that have turned out to be fraudulent. Our review of that has nothing to do with the size of the ISO and the size of the ISO does not dictate the agents control on the offer. Every deal source is important as the success in this industry is based on volume. Volume of submissions and volume of outflow. There are only so many big house ISO's that can push major volume and because of that they have every lender in the space competing for the deal flow. To say that a small ISO has no merit is like saying that a merchant who process under 10K has no value andI would rather invest in 10 merchants at 10K each than put a 100K in one merchant. You know the saying of don't put your eggs all in one basket...