As a decline company that does state " Send me your declines" I see the decline space in two ways. It benefits the ISO so that they can capitalize on their marketing expenses and get a better rate of return as well as keeping their agents funding deals (nothing is more discouraging as a new agent to have your first couple of deals denied off the bat). It also helps small business owners who have no where else to go. Contrary to some belief on this board not all business owners who qualify for a decline advance have " scum bag kids" or " go to Vegas after a divorce". There are some business owners who get in unforeseen circumstances or just make bad decisions on when and how to pay bills.

We are a direct funder with our own capital which does allow us to make decisions as we see fit. I know most agents believe that if they received the paper it must be fundable but even decline houses have deals they will just not touch. It is not like we are offering a decline program just so we can get all your deal flow. There are companies who have added the decline or starter program so that they can better serve the ISO with all their needs but they still have guidelines that can be restrictive. The best thing you can do is just to know who you are working with and what they will and will not do. It is one reason we allow agents to speak to our underwriters directly. We want you to have full disclosure of why we can't offer on a merchant and understand our way of thinking and in return will hear your case as to why we should.