Quote Originally Posted by sean bash View Post
the thing is, funders that offer the flexibility of funding deals with tax liens, gas stations, homebased, online, bad credit, and the like dont want you to send in only deals that meet that criteria. Ask any funder that says they'll do gas station deals if you can send all your gas stations. I guarantee they'll say "If that's all you're going to send us, then don't bother. Do a few million regular decent cedit retail/food service deals with us and we'll do some gas stations with you." no one wants to be a dump for your tax lien deals, or other impaired files. Saying they'll do them means so long as you send them all of your other business too.

I would also go out and say, companies funding $2MM a month is probably more prevalent than you would think. Many of the companies that were funding in house $100-200k/month a few years ago should have grown to those numbers by now. The ultimate question I would ask a "new" funding company as was already stated is "What do you offer, that I dont have today?" And if your answer is a point or two, stop wasting my time. I'd rather fund with an established company that I have been doing business with for some time than risk my renewal portfolio with some new, no name firm.