Quote Originally Posted by PopCrumbs View Post
By now if you run SMS you probably have seen a decline in your response rates since Sept 1st.

maybe you know why, maybe you don't (If you don't you need to evaluate yourself as a sales professional)

A2P 10DLC is now a requirement with all cell carriers.

WTF is A2P 10DLC? its a registry for your number with the carriers to allow you to message their users, its a way for carriers to cut down on spam and charge you for getting your messages through, if your a POS spammer with no opt in they are going to block you

If you text and your SMS platform hasn't had you register for A2P 10DLC yet run from them ASAP, they have no idea what they are doing.

If you applied for A2P and keep getting denied, post in here and ill try to help you get approved, i know what they are looking for. Since we did this months ago.

the majority of SMS spam I'm getting has dropped considerably, so i know a lot of you are not getting through anymore.
is this for calling as well? i've been having to register my reps numbers everyday the last few months.