Hi everyone,

My client needs a $200,000 loan or line of credit to purchase inventory. She is willing to pledge commercial property as collateral. Having trouble finding a lender, I hope posting to this thread helps.

If you think your company might finance this, or if you know of a company that might, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Here is the break-down on our client:

6 Retail stores in 3 states
In business for 25+ years
Approx. $2.4 mil in Sales in 2014
Took a loss in 2014, -$70k
Owner is 100% owner
Owner’s FICO: 625

In my hands I have the following documents:

Sept - Feb, 2015 bank statements
Sept - Feb, 2015 credit processing statements
2012, 2013, 2014 financials
Owner’s tax returns
Statement of Collateral

Again, if your company or any company you know of will consider financing this, please let me know. E-mail me directly at CapitalPartnerSolutions@gmail.com - this is not the name of my company but an e-mail created specifically for posting to public threads.