Quote Originally Posted by Zach View Post
What filters do you allow? Why are the leads $50? Not being facetious, just curious and potentially interested.

Why is a chuck steak $10 and Kobe beef $100? If it takes you 1000 Leads at $1, or 10 Leads at $100 to close a deal which is a better use of your time and resources? Also do you want to be calling the same data as all your competitors? Our leads are exclusive and you wont find many shoppers either like your google campaigns.

I don't guarantee any sales, because I'm not selling the deal, your sales people need to be good but it should take you 8-15 leads to close a deal at $50 a lead your cost to close a deal lead wise is $400-$750. Pretty dam good if you ask me considering the upsides, even if it stretched out to $1000 a close because you need to feed junior reps its still not bad considering avg deal size and commission amounts.

We sell leads of $5k and up in monthly sales and 6 plus months in business, shoot me an email and we can discuss further.