Quote Originally Posted by BSCI 504 View Post
I need help with loans over 1 million as well. It seems everybody wants business owners to conform to rape before any money will change hands. I have 2 clients a solar company and a merchandising company that need 3 million and 5 to 7 million. Great numbers on both companies, taxes,P&L, balance sheets and all. But these companies will NOT take a MCA product or anything that resembles one. Neither have had cash advances. If there is someone that can offer a term sheet in less than 3 months without taking DNA form each employee, I'd love to work with someone on this deal. THESE DEALS CANNOT BE SHOPPED AT ALL...I can partner with a broker on a DIRECT LENDER DEAL but not otherwise.
We provide flexible working capital solutions in the form of factoring. Perhaps we can help. The size will not be a problem and we move fast. Call me at 561-623-1872