It seems we have a common issue in the MCA space that needs to be addressed and feedback needs to be given.

If you are a BROKER (Whether you are a direct lender and have a brokerage house- or just a brokerage firm/ISO) and you decide to Sub-Broker files for other ISOs- Do you make sure that the ISOs you sign understand the services you are offering AND your commissions structure?

For the "Noobs" who use another company to sub-broker- understand that the further the money is, the more expensive, and the less commission you will receive because of the in between people you work with. Also, the lower the rate, the lower commission (duh). BUT that doesn't mean that the service offered is bad.

Example- Broker company tells you they are going to split commissions with you 50/50 - that means 50% of what they will be paid directly from the lender (duh) - which can mean a lower %. BUT what is more important? Satisfying the merchant or your pockets?

The more reputable and professional BUSINESS FINANCIAL SERVICE PROVIDERS know that giving the merchant what they need is more important than declining because of low commissions. Relationships grow off of quantity and quality work flow. How do you leverage sub-brokering? Do the companies/people you work with understand and stay after the first deal?