Quote Originally Posted by jjjddd View Post
on Feb 25th, 2015 we sent wbl a 100k deal through a World Business Lenders employee by the name of Rafael Salifu using email Rsalifu@wbl.com with a title in his email reading "senior financial specialist" and "world business lenders." He called us and mentioned that WBL had just bought and/or merged with Merchant Solutions Group / William Morrissey and that he was now employeed by WBL and to send him deals. It all appeared to check out. This forum has been very vocal and praising of the merger and Rafael's email was a WBL email and everything references WBL. On March 4th the deal was funded and we were owed $10,000.00. Shortly thereafter (about a week) we start asking for our commission and all of the sudden WBL says we dont know what you are talking about , who owes you that money is Mr. Morrissey ? what? then they fire this Rafel guy? then they tell us that this situation of lost commission has uncovered like 11 diffrent situations like ours? After many emails and attempts to contact WBL we finally heard from Mr.Brecker which stated that WBL will make it right and blamed Morrissey? that they dont know where the money is at.... Yet on this forum Morrissey and WBL go about like its all peachy !!!!!!! Who else is having this issue? are commissions at risk at WBL? the truth is WBL hasnt made it right and today a gentlemen by the name Gary (he says he is Brecker's boss) said sorry they have to try and sue billy for it ? We are lost and at this point just stating the facts, so we could get to the bottom of whats going on and make sure there are no more victims to this William Morrisey and WBL situation! whatever it is. (if someone gives me instructions on how to load emails into the blog , we will gladly share) so at the end lets shed light on this situation ! and speak up....... we are screwed $10,000 in hard earned commissions
It sounds like WBL folded the employees of MSG into their company without doing any due diligence on the individuals or the different relationships they may have had set up with 3rd parties. It also seems like Rafael soon after the merger parted ways with wbl and has left them holding the bag for his shady practices

My question is was the deal funded on WBL paper or was it funded by a different bank? Also were you signed up with MSG as an ISO or WBL who is your ISO agreement with? I ask because depending on how you are setup with then dictate who you need to sue to get your money back.

On WBL it sounds like they desperately need to get their house in order because this makes it seem like they don't know what is going on under their roof