Just for the record all that have had a good experience YSC. I am glad that its working for you. I am just stating my dilemma with them. Henry at YSC is calling my office and sending an their ISO agreement every now and then asking for our C-D paper. So I gave him the benefit of doubt. Max get's on the with one of my sales rep's and said why are we sending deals to Henry? Max is stating he is the ISO relations manager for my office. I tried to explain to him this past Friday what was sent to us and a few deals that we had forward to YSC. Max was irate using profanity which is totally unprofessional. This isn't the way to ask for deals and to build business relationship with RFG or anyone else that they want to get more deal flow. ROC Funding Group we are direct lenders and can underwrite our own files. But anyone in this business will completely understand that money fluctuates every day. Maybe I don't have the best rate that day? The lender affiliate's in my companies portfolio might have capital that they weren't able to allocate for their month end, instead of getting hit with capital charges and interest known to affect their profit and loss. Intern we will get the capital at a discount which we will past on to the merchant. For example Mortgage rates are based on the 10 Year Note U.S. Treasury Bond and move on the Index every day. ROC Funding Group will syndicate with various lenders because many lenders don't want to hold the whole advance. Issac just so you know I did ask to speak with you. Your staff refuse to put you on the phone.