Quote Originally Posted by JDZ View Post
So much good info on this thread! Thank you for all the professionals who are taking the time to help us newbies. I'm feeling pretty darn frustrated...I just can't seem to figure out how to work enough volume of folks who are interested to make any money. Any advice on what works to generate business would be awesome. I'm willing to work the phones or whatever it takes to be successful.
My advice: don't solely focus on MCAs. Learn about how to get a client a bank or SBA loan. Learn about AR financing and factoring. Equipment leasing. On and on. Then you call offer better financing solutions to clients. Even if a business owner may not qualify for a SBA, many want to at least believe it's an option. If they don't qualify, then try some of the other options next. If they dont work, then Cash advances.
I'm not even saying that you have to attempt each of those options, but at least discuss and find out whether it's a shot or not, and then move on to the next option. But starting the convo with better financing products makes the business owner more open to what you have to say.