Depends on the deal. the problem with promising X commissions on every deal...depending on whom one uses, not all companies pay that amount.

Some funds out there only pay 5 points on the funded. How are you going to get 5 on the funded as a sub contractor, when the ORIGINAL DEAL only pays 5 points? Are we working for free?

Then as a kick in the teeth, some funds only pay on the net to merchant for renewals. So if the renewal contract is for $10,000, but the merchant only netted $6000 and the commission is paid on $ is the ISO supposed to get 5 on the FULL FUNDED?

Some smaller ISO's think they can simply find out who the bigger guys are suing and go around them, but that can sometimes blow up in their face. The original fund might check with the first ISO about your submission (how do you think any outstanding business is going to be handled once it is known you are going around them?) Also, the pricing a smaller ISO may get may not be as good as the larger ISO, so in fact,you aren't getting that much of a better deal.

THEN, most MCA's want volume and quality. So if you are a small guy sending only a handful of deals, your time allotted with that MCA may be limited, as they cut you off because they just don't want to spend the manpower/resources.

Sorry if this is not what folks want to hear, but I tell it as it IS, not as how the BD reps try to color it