I'm having some success with strong companies, good credit, and bigger deals. Definitely moreso than in 2010-12. The evolution of the longer terms/lower rates and expanded industries is really helping.

Back in 10-11 we ran into plenty of quality merchants who wouldn't even consider OD's standard 1.20/6 or if you were lucky, 1.27/9. But the 12-18 month window gets the job done.

I know there is a lot of talk about longer terms being bad because renewals come late and who knows if they perform but the companies I've seen funded lately really benefited from the better deals out their (they deserved it too). Still tough to sell but if your mind is sharp you can get it done.

Setting expectations properly is very important. I have no problem giving a real best case scenario upfront. If you have a strong client, saying the best case scenario would be 30-35 cents on the dollar over 18 months is totally honest and doesn't even look that bad to them. We've gotten 2 100k+ deals funded in the last 2 weeks and have several more in the works. That might be common for some small iso's but not for us.