Hello ya'll...

I'm new to the MCA field. I'm not really in it yet, but am seriously considering it. I get that I can be considered competition and such...

I've read this whole thread, and I'm finding myself baffled by one thing in particular: The head of an ISO (who's been in the business since '07 and has done VERY very well in it on his own), while wanting to recruit me to work for/with him, told me that 90% of the merchants that I will talk to will have never heard of MCAs.

He also told me a story about going to a chamber of commerce meeting RECENTLY (in a pretty big city) and presenting his business to the whole crowd and then having 90% of the people there meet him outside and ask for his services.

Do you think he was outright lying about the climate of the business right now? From your above posts I would think that he's pulling my leg. But until I get into it, I wouldn't know for myself.

Would you say that it's totally impossible that he's still having those kind of experiences?

Thanks so much!