I JUST SENT THIS PM TO funding pro, after seeing his latest post and then deleting the portion you copied from my last post:

funding pro, I had added this to the bottom of my post, and then refreshed and saw your helpful response, which made me want to forget the ABOVE. So I removed the text below, but figured you might have seen it, and might already be responding in kind. So I wanted to let you know I removed it, so we don't need to get into a pissing contest...

"Oh, by the way, funding pro, I'm new here... but I wondered from your post above if you truly are a dick, or maybe just having a bad day. So I looked at your profile and saw your other recent posts, and it appears you truly are a dick. So please butt out if you don't want to offer advice. This is a forum where these kinds of questions are meant to be posted. So even as a newbie, I don't believe asking legitimate questions like this is something you should come along and say, "Hey everybody, Don't waste your time here, Ignore this stupid post," which is essentially what you said. Other newbies will likely find this thread in the future, and could benefit from it (as I will), if good answers and advice are shared from people who are experienced at selling MCAs. No offense is intended, but I don't appreciate being treated like a village idiot asking a stupid question when I know the question is legit."