I haven't been on there in a while either. I agree with you that "funding" had a really bad rep on that forum when MCA first started. Leasing a $130 CC machine to someone for 4 yrs at $100/mo was always OK, but funding companies were viewed as loan sharks. That changed after some of the larger processors started to partner with cash advance companies or got into the space themselves. It changed even more when the naysayers were losing their CC processing portfolios to companies that were also selling cash. Last time I flipped through a Green Sheet magazine, it was filled with ads for loans and MCA's. Once Durbin kicked in and CC processing revenues/margins were compressed, a lot of agents started selling other products to make additional revenue and to retain merchants. We've been exhibiting at the ETA and regional shows for a number of years now. Booth traffic is a lot more interested in the product now than it was 5 years ago.