Quote Originally Posted by ADiamond View Post
WBL takes 3 weeks to give an offer, let alone get them funded which may take close to a month. forget collateral, if the guy is an auto dealer he probably has a floor plan already.

fund my payroll is a new company in new york that'll consolidate and pay off. be aware that once you submit, they completely take over the deal from offer to funding.

I know about 2-3 other companies that will consolidate, and may consider and auto dealer if he has a solid pmt history. Private message me if you're interested
Anthony, from the deals I've put through the system it typically takes 2 weeks to fund -- we are talking about deals that no other lender would even look at, and we are getting them low rates over long terms with daily or weekly payments. The best part is that since there is collateral attached to the deal, we can fund deals that NO ONE else would... not too mention the commission is pretty aggressive ;-)

As long as you are experienced selling secured offers, it should be a walk in the park for you.

Payroll financing is also a great company! Stephen is great at what he does.