8 deals have tried to be "taken" from me in the short time I've been doing mca's. I've saved all but one.( still pissed over it) One client told he prayed to God over it after i caught the deal from being taken from me .I wound up getting paid ach fees..50% of them actually but gave in so that I let this poor merchant off the hotseat. Don't know how honest he is anyway going around me shouldn't have let him off.

I have a way of partially knowing when a deal is being sold out from under me ( doesn't work all the time and what a terrible way to live)I call it clients going into the "witness protection program " poof gone. Hense me creating my own ISO. So many other "small" agents/salespeople in the same position. Thats why they are joining my ISO ( their is strength in numbers ) I hope.

Coming from a venture capital background a few of my close friends with big money also hope it works out for me.They are looking forward to possibly helping me, and them, get "skin in the game" .Sometimes people are penny wise and dollar foolish. You cut someone out of funding, now you lost that person and anyone ever associated with them now and in the future.

Thanks for the info on the relationship part /house bonus etc.