I have never tried the system directly because, I just don't see why a Broker needs a system like this. You should be constructing your own Funder Network and learning their criteria up, down, sideways, backwards, forward, etc. You should have 1 - 2 solid relationships for your A+ Paper, A/B Paper, B/C Paper, and C/D Paper. This also allows you to build up some sort of relationship with your Funder in question.

Having to use a system like this makes the Broker seem a little "lazy" to me to not go through the work of constructing their own Network. Plus as you mentioned, how are reloads/renewals handled with a system like this? The real money made in this industry is off reloads/renewals.

Plus this system might turn the sale of the financing into a straight commodity, with the Broker choosing the Funder with the lowest "rate" but without looking at the entire parameters of the deal such as other fees, the actual duration of the payback cycle/term, how the Lender in question handles renewals (do they double dip or not), etc.

But as I mentioned, I have never seen the platform directly so I can't comment on the platform's actual level of efficiency.