
The business lending and merchant cash advance industry has been exploding recently and access to unique, organic business leads is becoming extremely competitive. Our leads are real merchants looking for real working capital. Most lead brokers are selling UCC lists, phone transfers from people that are not necessarily looking for a loan, or low quality traffic that does not convert. If you do happen upon a lead source that provides true quality traffic, it is either sold 3-5 times in order to keep the cost down for each individual buyer (a ruse as far as we are concerned) or priced into the $100’s of dollars for a unique lead (we have seen as high as $350).

Funding Mate, LLC and its corresponding web domain,, were developed to combat the high costs that are dominating the marketplace right now. Through our proprietary marketing channels and industry experience, we have the ability to provide a unique lead that is only sold one time to one lender, for a cost far below the industry average. We have been in the B2B lending business for the past 5 years and we know the lead generation space. Our team has over 20 years of combined experience when it comes to marketing and lead acquisition.

We offer leads delivered in real-time via API or Email. They contain 13 fields. You can filter based on the important factors (i.e. time in business, monthly revenue, estimated credit score, etc). You won't pay for duplicates or dead air on transfer calls. Contact us today to discuss a lead program that would work for your firm and request a proposal. Small starter tests available to test our quality.


Peter Finn
Managing Partner

Funding Mate, LLC
888-397-4578 xt 102