Check out the company below...never worked with them but seems like it would be a fit for your client.

PledgeCap has a program that can give your client the money they need fast.

Loans from 5k-2Million
Rates under 4%
No Credit checks
No Income verifications
No Daily ACH Fees
Interest only payments
The only things they need is an Asset worth$$

80K with PledgeCap = 12K of income..

Stephanie Ranghelli VP Wholesale
516-570-9229 ext 211

Quote Originally Posted by IKorie View Post
I have a pawn shop owner that is looking to open up another pawn shop. All he needs is 65k to get it up and running. His previous pawn shop has been in business for 3 years online and 2 years with a shop and makes about 100k a year. He is looking to collateralize his jewelry for this, the Jewelry is worth over 100k dollars and he has a good credit score. I know most lenders won't touch pawn shops, but if you do get in contact with me. thanks!