We Are Pleased to Announce Gibraltar Capital Advance !

Gibraltar Capital Advance, GCA, is the merchant cash advance division of Gibraltar Business Capital an asset based lender, with offices in Northbrook Illinois. GCA has positioned itself in the LARGE Premium, low factor, long term cash advance marketplace. Our advances are not loans and are not personally guaranteed except for fraud and miss-reps.

GCA offers merchant cash advances to any quality, viable business except, adult entertainment and firearms. Our fast, creative, common sense approvals look to the nature and health of the business more than the owner’s personal credit. Criteria such as time in business, location, products or services sold, annual sales volume and most importantly the use for the advanced
funds are paramount to our decisions. Our product may be offered as an advance line of credit up to the maximum approved advance allowing the merchant the flexibility to take advances, if, as and when needed.

Our experience with asset based lending, providing lines of credit and refinancing a business’
existing lender gives us a comfort level to refinance existing cash advances without regard to the
50% rule. If we are able to extend the term and lower the factor thus improving the merchant’s cash flow, we believe that refinancing an existing cash advance is an excellent use of funds.

Our buy rates start at 1.12. We will be partnering with a select few ISOs who will have the flexibility through our net buy rates to structure their deals and earn commissions up to 14% of the funded amount.

Please Contact me at: dladd@gibraltarca.com 631-742-8800