Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
Threads like these always have tripped me out as well lol. The guy asks, "So how do you generate your leads?" Or, "So what lenders should I partner with to get a higher closing rate?" Or, "So what vendors do you use to market your services?" "Who are the best A Paper lenders?" "Who are the best High Risk lenders?" "How do you finance your office?"

I don't know if it's just being green or if the guy is just being flat out disrespectful, but I know for me personally I had to learn the industry inside and out through actually working within it. There wasn't a forum or a group of "experts" I could go and ask my questions that laid out everything clear for me to jump in, start selling and taking money off their table.

It would beg the question, why in the world are you asking your competition how to compete with them? You have Internet access like everybody else does, you can pull up Direct Lenders' just like everybody else can, you can do individual research on those Lenders (just like everybody else can). How about you answer your own questions and only bring business planning questions to individuals/companies you are actually partnered with, rather than to people you technically are competing with?
If you are just starting out in this industry, completely clueless, it would be hard to figure out what lenders are good and which are bad simply by using google. 95% of ISO shops websites advertise themselves as direct lenders. Ton's of ISO's pretend to be lenders to get free deals from newbies. Telling some guy a list of a few companies is not going to eat into my profit so I don't mind. There also is a chance that they do grow and put more money in the lenders pockets which is good for everyone involved. However, when it comes to lead sources that is a completely different story....find that on your own kiddos