That's where I learned everything. I was only 19. First Dina interview me then I came back and Meir and Yankee hired me on the spot. I had alot of fun and made lots of money at a young age. I won't say anything bad about them because I made more money fresh out of high school than all of my friends who completed all 4 years of college.

It was one of those jobs where if you where bringing in apps and closing deals, you were happy. If you weren't producing you just kind've looked like an unhappy loser. I'm not saying that to be mean because I'm actually shy, just good on the phones. To me it was black and white then. I barely had to deal with underwriting because my manager did for me. I just got the apps back , and closed. I didn't really start learning anything about the industry until about a year in. I didn't care to know. TBH i'm really grateful for my manager (i'll call him Mike) because he really protected me against alot of harsh realities of what was going on at 2nd Source. Maybe because I was so young and a female he just kind've looked out for me.

I made 3 lifelong friends and 2nd Source who are still close to me this day. They did alot of shady ****....but it's expected. For the shady **** they made alot of average people with no direction or options, lots of money.

It was amazing and still is amazing that I get to get up and sell money and make money at the same time.

This thread is old but I wanted to say something decent about my old stomping grounds.