Quote Originally Posted by Cashfunder01 View Post
Ok John first of all maybe my grammar is not the best because english is not my native language but I dont think that this business will run only with people that have "good grammar" LOL

regarding close my own deals, I would can do it however I am starting so prefer use the company closers that have more experience and skills that closers that I can hire at least for now
Well, I have been in this business for over 8 years and I can tell you, the landscape is extremely competitive right now and merchants have become more restrictive on whom they allow to work their deals. When you approach a merchant with an email that has sentences and paragraphs structured similarly to how you type on this Forum, most merchants won't take you seriously. You might say that's not "fair," but it is what it is.

Secondly, you keep mentioning this concept of having someone else close your own deals, yet you want 10% commission on top of premium pricing? That doesn't line up with the current marketplace my friend which again, just shows you don't truly have a lot of experience. If you are just sending referrals, you aren't getting anywhere near 10% commission and if you are pricing merchants with premium pricing, you also aren't getting anywhere near 10% commission.

If you produce quality leads like you say, then you need to work with an established Broker who can train you properly to close your own deals. Do that for about 1 or 2 years, then once you are properly trained and understand this business, then you can seek out your own Partnership Agreements as a Direct Broker with Lenders that fit your Business Plan.