Quote Originally Posted by stat View Post
i have some clients who are looking for some additional capital even though they already have a 1st position in place; their argument is that they are not willing to pay interest on interest by paying off the first to get additional capital. Now these are not your YSC 3 month 1.40 clients (not that there is anything wrong with YSC) i need something similar to a first position pricing and term, obviously not as good as 1st position but not a 3 month 1.40 either. I know IOU and Quarterspot will do decent 2nds but i need more options.

Any input would be appreciated
In the future, TBB and BFS are the only fund sI know that regularly do add ons, as opposed to refinancing the balance. I have seen SFS and RAPID do it on a special, case by case basis, but not the norm