Quote Originally Posted by FUNd View Post
Exactly. Our definition of a "lead" meets all of the following criteria:

1. Prospect is in need of funding in immediate future (< 10 business days )

2. Prospect meets the minimum criteria required for the funding programs we offer.

3. Prospect is reasonable in the amount of funding they are seeking ($300K annual revenues seeking $250K in funding is not classified as a lead).

4. Prospect has a specific need for funding. ("I just want to have some cash on hand", for example, is not a viable lead).

5. Prospect is willing to answer general questions about his business and his plan for the use of funds.

6. Prospect is realistic about the rate and term of funding they are seeking (demanding 3% over five years with quarterly payments, again, not a lead).

7. Overall the needs and wants of the client have to make sense, and there must be a foreseeable, reasonable chance that the prospect will submit an application and entertain an offer.

Without all of these conditions being met, you have nothing but a bunch of hot air and wasted time, and you certainly aren't talking to a 'lead'.
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