I have been involved in alternative lending industry for over a year. I have worked in both sales and operations. I have made thousands of calls, overseen email campaigns and dealt with lenders. I have worked hard in securing good leads and in seeing them graduate to opportunities - and ultimately many into closing. I need a position that will pay me a modest base and nice commission. I work hard - I want to be compensated for it and I need the sanity of knowing that there is some sort of base pay.

Also - I have a surprisingly strong technology background as well and can make adjustments to applications parameters, roll out new software, make adjustments to IP phones etc. CRM experience with Salesforce. Also an Excel expert. In addition I have assisted in hiring and looking for appropriate candidates through different venues.

I have worked on cash flow(advances), asset based and credit type deals. I can still learn a lot but I know - that I can help bring you to the next level.

I look forward to hearing from you.