30k a month as a rep is easy. Guaranteed that a lot of guys out there get the approvals but are not talented enough to close the deal. Instead of going back to an underwriter who approved a 40k advance 1.39/6 mo's and saying "the merchant needs 150k 1.30/12 month" pick up a sales book or pass the approval on to an experienced broker and split the comm. with them. In the end of the day most merchants will take the approval given if sold correctly. It's all abt who's a better salesman. I've been doing this for 7 years now. There are owners of shops making 800k+ a month NET. There are reps that I speak to all the time and have seen some of their comm. reports who are making 30,40,50k a month consistently. Eventually your renewal book becomes half your business and it's free money. Let's say avg comm 8 pts funded and let's go even further and say you split that 50/50 with the house and you split your psf with the house 50/50 with an avg 5% psf. All you need to find is 300k a month to make 20k in your pocket (40k gross) if you're not making 20k a month and have been here for 18 months, pack your bags b/c those deals will eventually get closed by the talented brokers. A lot of ppl can become good if they take the time but if you're comfortable making 5-10k a month selling cash advance then you suck