I'm a little confused...do you love to see fellow members of the MCA business not succeed?

Not one person on here knows the exact details of the deal except for Zach but most if not all have something negative to say about it. Firstly, his deal doesn't affect us and all he did was post about the deal being complete out of sure excitement and accomplishment. Whether we believe Zach made the right move or not is irrelevant since we don't know the details. Now with that said out of sheer respect for Zach who selflessly adds value to this forum and answers the questions of the @paperchaser's of the world some respect should be shown.

How many times has he answered the.. Who does this? Where do I go with this? Let's be happy for the success of other gentlemen. God knows in this industry one's success does not prevent anothers. There is enough money to go around.

Quote Originally Posted by Paperchaser View Post
lmao this just keeps getting better