I want to thank everyone for the congratulations. It means alot to me. After speaking with numerous companies about merging WBL was the only logical choice. The support they have offered me and my staff is everything I could ask for. Becoming part of the leadership team they have here really has me motivated like I havent been since I first started in our wonderful industry .I look forward to taking WBL to the next level. I have seen some negative comments about WBL and the product that we sell. Yes I have been in the same boat as you. They have made many changes to the product like lowering the cost of the money and underwriting criterias. If anyone has questions and would like help on selling our product please feel free to contact me. There is more money in selling this product than any other in our industry. Yes it takes more work and more time to fund the deal but like I said the payout is much more. We are looking to form the strongest group in the MCA space with a team of winners. If any ISO is interested in finding out what WBL can offer you to merge with us please contact me. It will be the smartest move you will ever make.