Three ways we can work with a start-up lead:

1) Acquire anywhere from 15k to 150k in unsecured business credit card accounts. Client needs 700 personal credit or better, all debt reports to business, and no upfront or application fees to the client.

2) Acquire unsecured personal loans or lines of credit for anywhere from 15k to 150k. For the client that wants cash, not credit cards. Need 700 credit or better and to be making personal income. Debt will report to their personal credit and no upfront fees to the client.

3) Business directed retirement account. Clients with retirement accounts held with previous employers can access those accounts tax and penalty free for the use of the business.

For start-ups, it is two questions: is your credit above 700, or do you have a retirement account with a previous employer with 35k+? If either are yes, then you can monetize that lead.

We have been in biz 15 years, A+ with BBB and on Inc 500 2 years in a row. Feel free to reach out for more info, ISO agreement and commission structures.

Sam Tiburzi
Finance Store