Drizzle first why not state who you are ?? ....We have been in business for 5 years and stand by our work many iso shops and lenders buy leads right away and most work them right and some dont work them right, but everyone funds deals from our leads and we never give garbage. And we have only done test leads for 1 company in the last 6 months so right there your wrong that 3 shops have done a test with my firm. STATE THE NAMES WE HAVE FULL TRANSPARENCY!!!!!

If you never bought from me or don't want to state names then you could be a hater in disguise for all i know you could be a lead aggregator looking to sabotage my business ......anyone on here that wants to try my leads please call me at 888-564-5551 but i have plenty of happy clients and to be honest test leads cant dictate being happy with a campaign you must got thru 50 or 100 leads to see funded deals, anyone that is truly in mca understands that so if these 3 mystery shops got test leads which we rarely do anyway did not do themselves justice tell them to call me and if we did anything im not aware of i will personallly fix it .......now get back to work........Rob Buchanan thank you sir for the backup i appreciate you .....so many people treat mca aggregators with little respect, everyone is not gonna be happy but we stand by what we do. DAVE ROSS 9 YEAR VETERAN ....ASK ABOUT ME !!!!!