This goes back to a thread about large funders and having to have deep pockets. If you want to be a national, large funder, with ISOs and a Direct Sales channel, you have to have large capital resources to make that model work. The array of small funders who have $1-3M to play with doesnt work for this model. You have to have capital to fund merchants and you have to have a seperate capital reserve to pay commissions each week/month/renewals. If you look at who the majority of large isos, leasing companies, agents use, its always the top 5 or so funders because they have the capital to sustain this model, fund alot of deals, and, are planning on staying in the business for a long time. Look how long AMI, BFS, Amerimerchant, MCC,GRP and others have been around? 5+ years minimum and all funding much more than $2-3M per year. Its ok to not work with ISO's if your just a small funder who has a direct model and limited capital. You will be fine if you underwrite deals and keep costs down. However, for ISOs and Brokers, they need the larger funders for new and recurring commissions-