There are some people. not a vast majority, that are genuinely scared of theft (monetary and id) and they won't do it on that principal alone.Very Small. The rest are hiding something.

However, everyone should be properly pitched, with reassurance and education, why it is a necessary practice to get the job done. You should be able to make the merchant comfortable enough to tell you what they are hiding, because it should be your job to assess whether or not it affects the deal. Some are hiding nothing.

Those that are stone cold about not allowing them to do the bank login, let them walk and come back if it burns their pocket. Don't harp, move on. It's a standard, otherwise merchants could manipulate mtd docs receiving double funding (one of many things that could go wrong), over leveraging, and/or causing merchant to default, losing your commission and damaging your relationship the investor. Sound like its a wasted file. No bank login, no money. Simple. If you sense the merchant is honest..roll the dice..try an alternative approval from Max Advance, which is a much more comfortable take on bank login.