Quote Originally Posted by MCAVeteran View Post
On deck stated they are making a robust push to market through television and radio and utilizing direct sales. If direct sales doesn't have to sell with buy rates like brokers, they are simply competing with channels for business. But they aren't the only company doing direct sales. If you have indirect and direct the same pricing to sell deals, than it's a fair game. Otherwise, the resellers are at a disadvantage selling to the same business.
It's about who submits the application first, the broker or the inside sales guy? If the inside sales submitted it first then they are the ones pricing it, if the broker did then the broker is pricing it. If the broker prices it at a 6 month 1.18 then that's also On Deck Capital's quote to the merchant, the inside sales team can't steal the lead and reprice it at 1.15 because it's first come, first served.