Thank you Jared.

I like the look of your website.
It's not only professional, it's also
personable with a clear understanding
that customers are people and want
to deal with people.

I have been two minutes in this industry
and I can already see that many stock brokers
crossed over to this industry to make a quick buck.

It's sad for the industry because they just can't
see people as humans. For them people represent
dollar signs and digits. People are stocks in
their eyes. That's why even though they're making
money they're angry and miserable.

Simply because if you're not making someone else's
life better, you won't enjoy the fruits of your labor.
There's a fine line between informing a prospect
about the MCA benefits and (boiler room) convincing
them and pushing them.

However, as the industry matures and becomes more
mainstream and the consumer becomes more and
educated, the stock brokers will find that the days of
treating people like @#%$ are over. We live on a
business sphere where the snake-oil-saleman's tactics
don't work anymore. People want to do business with
people they can quickly get to know, like and trust.

The MCA profit margins will decrease and only those who
can create and provide value to the market place will survive.
The Wall Street mindset it not to create value, the mindset is
to destroy it in the pursuit of a quick buck. Most brokers share
this mindset.

As the banking industry loses it grip on the marketplace
and society as a whole, everyone is looking for alternatives
to the current banking system.

We call this industry: Alternative Lending.
Not me, I call it Progress Lending.
Alternative implies second place, Progress
implies continuos evolution of an entity.

Debt is the lifeblood of the Fiat system. We are the new
liquidity, with or without banks. We represent progress.
The problem is our GOTCHA mentality, when our attitude
should be one of solidarity and support for our partners:
business owners.

Without them, the fast disappearing middle class, we have
no industry. Everyone is against them, especially BIG BROTHER
are we going to be against them too?! I say, NO WAY Brose!

Business owners will start to see the value in the
products and services we offer when we stop chasing
a buck like wolves and when we start creating value in our
marketplace (The Progress Lending Industry).

One day, when we will cold call prospects, they'll rush
to the phone to hear how we can help them improve their business
and add value to their operations. Until then, we have to
deal with wolves of Wall Street crossing over to this nascent
and promising global industry looking for a more and more
elusive quick buck.

Thank you everyone for your help!

Progress Lending Specialist