Still confused as to why you all don't want to hop on the phone and go through each deal and commission instead of just keep posting on a forum, I am assuming it is because you know I am right which is why you are choosing not to post my text messages on here...

Business is business Mike and you are conducting bad business is all, again don't care about the commissions that you say we owe because the data and math are loud and clear that you are wrong and you in fact owe us money, the fact that you don't want to get on the phone and explain to me how you are coming up with your calculation proves that to be true.

You claiming we owe you money is a desperate act to try and disregard the fact of the matter that you are a liar and a back door shop.

Like I said, if you really think we owe you money call me and make it make sense and we will settle up... but I know you wont call because you know you are wrong