Quote Originally Posted by Fundthis! View Post
Funny that you choice to leave out the part that 7 of your deals defaulted before 30 days and you owe us 19,850.00 in clawbacks. Just to set the record straight you were not paid on 1 renewal of 8,000.00 because of the outstanding balance that is owed. Where do I start with GCC Gulf Coast Capital, do I bring up how you stacked most of these deal to where the merchant defaults on me within 2 weeks? Or do I bring up how the merchants somehow ended up with the same debt settlements company after being stacked beyond return? If you like we can put everything out on here names of merchants that defaulted with amounts and the debt settlement company that just happens to call the merchants that coincidently come from GCC. I would focus your energy on paying us back on these defaults.
You're a broker. You're using someone else's money and platform. You probably make a few points a deal, or more if you syndicate on good ones, or if you charge higher fees. **** outta here.